Free Download Gippi (2013)
- MOVIE page: Gippi (2013)
- Rate: 5.2/10 total 120 votes
- Genre: Comedy | Drama
- Runtime: USA:138 min
- Director: Sonam Nair
- Stars: Divya Dutta, Arbaz Kadwani, Taaha Shah | See full cast and crew
- Original Music By: Vishal Dadlani (as Vishal & Shekhar) Shekhar Ravjiani
- (in alphabetical order)
- Sonam Nair screenplay
Plot: Gippi is a 14-year-old girl who lives in Simla with her mother Pappi and little brother Booboo. She... See more » | »
Story: Gippi is a 14-year-old girl who lives in Simla with her mother Pappi and little brother Booboo. She is overweight and awkward and doesn't know how to handle the physical, emotional and social changes happening in her life. In school, she is a backbencher and is constantly bullied by the popular queen-bee Shamira. At home, she's trying to figure out how to deal with living in a broken home. In the middle of all this chaos, she falls madly in love with an older, brooding heartbreaker. When her love story comes to a humiliating end, and she is publicly scorned, she decides to take her life in her hands and accepts Shamira's challenge to stand against her in the school elections. Whatever the final outcome might be, Gippi makes sure she has a great time in the journey, filling it with delicious desserts, funny teachers, school crushes, and Shammi Kapoor dances. Gippi is a coming-of-age story of an ordinary, overweight girl, who, through the course of the film, learns to love herself for ... Written byUTV Motion Pictures
Produced By:
- Hiroo Johar known as producer
- Karan Johar known as producer
- Apoorva Mehta known as co-producer
- Aditya Singh known as line producer
- Divya Dutta known as Pappi
- Arbaz Kadwani known as Booboo
- Taaha Shah
- Doorva Tripathi known as Aanchal
- Riya Vij known as Gippi
Production Companies:
- Dharma Productions
Gippi (2013) Review by Tejas Nair from Bombay City, India
Gippi is what Student Of The Year was in 2012. And they are quiterelated - school life (instead of college life), competition &relationships.
Riya Vij is sweet & plump, perfect for the lead character. She actswell, too, but in various attempts in trying to be cool, she stumblesmidway. Divya Dutta is mature & good. Arbaz Kadwani is great and is theperfect brother. I could relate to him.
The story isn't new to us. The plot has been MADE inventive with theinclusion of puberty, sexual organs & blah blah blah. While, Sonam Nairtouches these "blah blah blah" (sensitive) topics deftly, she losesvision & the story-line crumbles to something else, which is why Imentioned SOTY before. Here, they vie for the post of Head-Girl. Firsthalf is genuine. Second half is acutely predictable & stands as theintegral part in spoiling the whole movie-watching fun. With hugelyridiculous slapstick plot turns, it also has its side-stories whichmakes it either "indecent" or "mature" (depending on the viewer).Otherwise, Gippi has nice music, mediocre dialogs, good performances &average screenplay.
Bring back the school memories with Gippi, but if you are a seriouscinema buff, then you might wanna reconsider. Cute little 14-year oldshaving a strict diet plans & NOT gorging on ice-creams is a thing thefilmmakers should have reconsidered.
BOTTOM LINE: 4.1/10 for the fatso Gippi(who isn't as fat as she seemsto be) who makes it watchable. Every growing kidCAN/SHOULD/MAY/MAY-WANT-TO/MUST/OUGHT-TO watch it!
MESSAGE: It's all about having a BIG heart & being yourself.
Can be watched with a typical Indian family? YES
Profanity: No | Sex, Nudity or Mouth-Kiss: No | Vulgarity: Very Mild(with a kiddo perspective) | Violence, Gore: No | Alcohol: Mediocre |Smoking: Strong | Drugs: No
Gippi (2013) Review by dineshprakash from India
Director, Ms. Sonam Nair's work and approach towards subject is good.Promo was showing that this movie will deal cutely with the confusionof adolescent but it moves from a love story to a family track also. Iwould love it more if they would tackle the sensitive issue of pubertyage in funny and informative way but unfortunately, they just touch itand then start roaming around other issues. Story, screenplay anddialogues are by Director herself. Concept is good. Story is verylinear. Screenplay is just OK. Few dialogues are really very touchingand good, i.e when Divya Dutta talks about the cause of her divorce.Performance wise the lead girl Riya Vij as Gippi is awesome but failsto hold the deep emotional scene. Arbaz Kadwani as Booboo (Gippi'syounger brother) is impressive. Doorva Tripathi as Aanchal is verygood. Divya Dutta is fine. An actor, who played Samira is also good.One song "Naam baby Se Baby Doll..." is good.
Gippi (2013) Review by Dipashri Bardhan from New Delhi, India
A POETRY: Certainly it was embarrassing, when I first realized that Ihad been changing automatically & no longer be classified under 'Child'category...Some restrictions from my elders expectedly came into myway, in the form of 'to do' & 'not to do' lists, making my mind echothat poem by Cilla Henriette: "I was awakened...To a light ofliberation/ It was bright but shy...I wonder why/ I was a childyesterday...But today is different/ I'm just like a clay...To be shapedor bent"..
Today, while watching 'Gippi', I was reliving a slice of my adolescence& school days...In fact, everyone (especially womenfolks) can relate tothis film, since almost everybody experiences that freakish combinationof discomfort-pleasure, arrogance-humiliation & jealousy- sympathyduring their transition from childhood to adulthood, which kind ofreflects that idea of Carol Burnett, "Adolescence is just one bigwalking pimple.." !! Here, let me draw a picture whether 'Gippi'-thelatest presentation from Dharma Productions & UTV Motion Pictureseffectively cures such pimple of juvenility or not...
A MOVIE: Based in Simla, the movie tells the story of a 14-year-oldgirl Gippi (Riya Vij), who is quite ordinary in terms of studies,sports & looks..At home, she faces trouble for her parents aredivorced, whereas in school, she is constantly teased by an attractive& intelligent girl (hence, popular in the school campus) Shamira(Jayati Modi)...Meanwhile, she feels awkward with the hormonal changesaffecting her physically & mentally, followed by a failure in her firstlove-story with Arjun (Taaha Shah)..What happens next forms the crux ofthe drama..
'HIGH's : The movie scored really high in Cinematography (AnshumanMahaley) + Editing (Yashashwini Y.P) + Music (Vishal-Shekhar) & Acting(full marks to Riya Vij & Divya Dutta..The supporting casts also shinedin their respective roles)...The kids looked as fresh as morning dew,thereby adding the required sweetness to the show !!
'LOW's : The movie scored equally low in Screenplay (so, decceleratingthe flow & increasing the predictability of the story) + Climax (lackedright intensity) + Showing Gippi dancing to Shammi Kapoor numberslooked out of place, because teenagers of today's era would normallyconnect to contemporary songs/heroes...Also, Shamira's meanness towardGippi (for no reason) gets diluted in audience's mind, when Gippi doesthe same towards Ashish(Aditya Deshpande) & Kabir(Mrinal Chawla),without any strong provocation = All written by debutant Director SonamNair showed the mediocrity of her effort...
A MESSAGE (Perfection vs Imperfection): The moment Gippi learnt that 'Abeautiful thing is never perfect' (Tagline of 'Gippi'), the moviesilently delivered a subtle message regarding the pursuit of perfection& imperfection Interestingly, this pursuit is nothing new Let's seechronologically, 1)In Egypt (around 2500 BC) Pharaohs were consideredas perfect human beings, thus worshipped in the temples as GOD.. 2)Aristotle (around 323 BC) defined 'perfection' as "something which iscomplete + has attained its purpose" 3) During renaissance (around16th Century), sculptors made masterpieces of perfect human body Inaddition, Leonardo Da Vinci used geometry to make flawless humanfigure 4) In today's world when women pamper themselves with 'Dior' intheir lips or 'Gucci' in their eyes and men indulge themselves in 'TAGHeuer' in their wrists or 'Giorgio Armani' in their wardrobes, the sameconflict between perfection & imperfection whispers..
And this conflict has no end, unless one decides what is moreimportant: Attainable happiness or unattainable satisfaction !! Sinceperfection has no fixed terminology, so the same thing can be viewed asperfect & imperfect by different observers...But, if you can give yourbest at whatever you do,without thinking of 'being perfect', thenirrespective of the material outcome, achievement will surely greet yousince you are the best judge to yourself...Constantly aiming forperfection gives birth to despair since it has no limit, symbolizingthe thought of Vladimir Horowitz: "Perfection itself is imperfection"!! Won't you agree that luscious smiles are mostly asymmetrical/ 18Karat gold ornament always glitters more than 22 Karat gold ornamentor, a husky voice is often more alluring than a smooth voice ?
As the movie ended, an imperfect girl (Gippi) truly brightened thoselines of a perfect beauty (Marilyn Monroe), "Imperfection is beauty,madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous thanabsolutely boring..." !!
An OPINION: Although having a deep message, the movie somehow failed inimpactful execution...Overall, 'Gippi' is good for a one time watchonly, complemented by a feel-good factor...Go & watch thisComing-of-Age flick where a small girl proves that 'Being happy doesn'tmean that everything is perfect...It means that you have decided tolook beyond the imperfections' (Tagline of 'Gippi')... Recommended !!
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